Expanded Glass Sphere

Stikloporas Expanded Glass


Where is the Expanded Glass Sphere Used?

In specially planned applications, the fact that the expanded glass sphere is highly resistant to combustion and all kinds of reactions makes it highly preferable in all kinds of oil separation situations, chemical industries, food, various branches of energy, biofiltration applications and various branches of the agricultural industry. In addition, it is also preferred because it is light in building materials and has fireproof properties. Instead of the sand used in 3D printing technology and concrete production, structures are built without the need for extra thermal insulation with the expanded glass sphere selected in the right dimensions. Designs are also created and realized in response to different demands. This material can reduce the overall weight of the structure by up to 70%, minimizing damage.

Recommended content details; 0.25-0.5 mm /0.50-1.00 mm /1-2 mm /2-4 mm

Properties of the Expanded Glass Sphere

Expanded glass sphere works are an application that covers the stages that need to be carried out meticulously. This glass sphere is made by utilizing all the waste glass available for use. These glass spheres, which contain various features, are preferred in many areas as they have a structure that provides advantages to the user. It provides a great advantage, especially in experiments, especially in studies carried out using experimental routes. This is the biggest reason for its preference.

For this purpose, aggregate (a general name given to inorganic materials with different mineral structure such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, etc. used together with cement and water in the preparation of concrete, mortar and similar materials) is prepared in a specially made mortar by using cement and lime to act as a binder with the use of this glass sphere aggregate and natural sand. This mortar trial phase is used to test the mortar to see its resistance to the test and thus, in line with the data obtained, it is important to prepare the most accurate mixture and the proportions of these mixtures in the most appropriate way. In these mixtures, the glass sphere, which is expanded in 1-2 mm and 2-4 mm sizes, is used in different ways by replacing the sand waiting in the same dimensions with 0%, 25%, 50% and 100% by volume. After the mortar mixtures are poured into 40x40x160 mm molds, they are tested on the basis of curing times of 7, 28 and 56 days. After the end of the curing period, different and varied tests such as unit volume weight, specific gravity, porosity, water absorption by mass, ultrasonic transmission rate and compressive strength are carried out on the batches of mortars in the hard state.

To summarize the situation; as a result of the high level of performance gained by adding this glass sphere, which is formed by recycling the glass, which is a waste material and kept for use, into the mortar in an appropriate form, it is concluded that there is no harm in using it in traditionally prepared normal mortars.

In general, the expanded glass sphere material stands out for reasons such as strengthening the building material, being useful in terms of increasing the durability of the structure, also having the ability to resist well and strongly, and being shown to be highly beneficial as a result of all kinds of resistance tests and material preparations proved in documents. Considering these features, it is expected that the use of this material will become more widespread day by day.