Carbon Fiber Rod

Carbon Fiber Rod


What is a Carbon Fiber Rod?

Carbon fiber rods are industrial materials produced by continuous drafting method using 100% carbon fiber material and thermosetting resin. These products are known for being light and durable. Thanks to these features, they add practicality to the area where they are used. These fiber rods, which are very easy to transport and install, are long-lasting products due to the quality of their materials. And don’t let their light weight fool you, they are one of the most durable materials on the market.

The foundations of these fiber rods date back to 1958. Discovered in 1958 near Cleveland, carbon fiber is a very important start in terms of industrial developments. Carbon fiber, which was first used only in sectors such as lighting, insulation and coating, has reached the present day as its properties have been discovered and processed, and has managed to become the apple of many sectors. The advantages of these fiber rods are as follows:

Very lightweight
Quickly applied
No risk of corrosion
They are products with very high strength.

Carbon fiber material is 4.5 times lighter than steel materials. This ensures ease of use and installation. It also has 3 times the durability of steel. In this way, it is possible to say that it is ahead of its competitors in many areas. The cost is slightly higher than other materials. In the short term, this may seem like a disadvantage, but in the long term it will prove to be very profitable. Because while more affordable materials wear out over time and need repair and replacement, these fiber rods remain with you for many years with the strength of the first day, unlike affordable materials.

Carbon Fiber Rod Usage Areas

These fiber rods, which have provided great convenience to the industrial sector since the first years they entered our lives, are products used in more and more sectors day by day. Today, it is possible to see carbon fiber rods in almost all areas of industry. We can list the most common uses of these fiber rods as follows:

Aerospace industry: Aircraft parts need to be made of lightweight and durable products with high strength. These criteria are extremely important for the aircraft to glide comfortably in the air. For this reason, carbon fiber rod is used in the construction of important parts such as aircraft wings, propellers and dicropters. These fiber rods both increase efficiency and reduce fuel costs. These products can also be used in the construction of spacecraft. It is an ideal product for our developing space technology.
Automotive industry: These fiber rods are preferred products in the automotive industry to reduce fuel costs and improve vehicle performance. Their light and strong structure reduces the weight of the vehicles and increases crash safety. These products are used in parts of the vehicle structure such as chassis, front and rear bumpers, exhaust systems and interior upholstery, making cars much more efficient.
Marine and Water Sports: These products are also frequently used in the marine industry. These fiber rods are especially common in yachts, boats and water sports equipment. These products have high strength and light weight. This supports the production of strong and durable marine components. Used in products such as sail poles, boat hulls, oars and surfboards, they greatly improve performance and provide durability.
Construction and Infrastructure: These fiber rods also play a crucial role in construction and infrastructure projects. Used in crossings of large spans and bridges, these products increase the bearing capacity and contribute to the longer life of the structures.

They are also used in the construction of buildings resistant to earthquakes and other natural disasters, increasing structural reinforcement.

Sports and Recreation: These fiber rods are also very common in sports equipment and recreation. Used in sports equipment such as bicycle frames, tennis rackets, golf clubs, fishing rods and archery bows, they improve performance and give athletes the opportunity to achieve better results.
Defense and Security: These rods are often preferred in defense and security due to their high strength and light weight. Used in defensive equipment such as military vehicles, armored vehicles, shields and weapon systems, these products provide reliable and effective solutions.

How is Carbon Fiber Rod Produced?

Carbon fiber rods are high performance products preferred in many areas of the industry thanks to their superior properties. If we look at the production process of these rods, carbon fiber filaments are first prepared and these filaments are combined with matrix material. Epoxy resin is used during joining.

The technologies used in the production process can affect the strength, durability and cost of the bars. The production of these fiber rods, which we can call the shining star of recent times and have a special place in the industry, consists of several stages. We can list these stages as follows:

Oxidation: In this process, the fibers are first heated to 300 degrees. After this process, hydrogen is separated from the fiber and the more volatile oxygen is added. The fibers are then cut and put into graphite vats for the carbonization stage. During this process the color of the fiber changes from white to brown and finally to black.
Carbonization: At this stage, the fibers are heated to 3000 degrees in a non-flammable atmosphere and this process continues until the fibers are 100% carbonized.
Surface treatment: In this stage, the surface of the carbon is cleaned and deposited in an electrolyte bath for better adhesion of the fiber composite material to the resin.
Coating: This stage is a neutral finishing process. It is the stage where the fiber is coated with resin. Epoxy is generally preferred for this coating process. After this stage, the bars are ready for use.