GRC Equipment-Spare Parts

Fiber Ratio Test Basket
GRC Flexure Test
Thickness Measuring Pen
GRC Spare Parts
Pour Test Kit
Rotor Stator Sets
GRC Rolls
Power Sprays Forklift Mounted Bucket Carrier
Power Sprays Crane Mounted Bucket Carrier
Portable Glass Fiber Trimming Machine
Power Sprays Wheeled Pneumatic Bucket Carrier
ReviewWhat are GRC Equipment?
GRC equipment includes several pieces of equipment, in particular GRC slope testing. Each piece of equipment has its own functional aspect. In GRC applications, the concrete mortar must be mixed homogeneously. Special equipment is designed to mix this mortar in the best way.
In addition, molding equipment is used because GRC is a flexible and malleable material. For this reason, specially designed molding equipment also comes into play. When GRC applications are made in construction projects, spraying the mortar on the surfaces provides speed. In this context, some spraying equipment is offered specifically for GRC. The use of spraying equipment supports a fast and efficient GRC application.
If the mixture is to be transferred to different points, then transfer equipment is also used. Transfer equipment offers many benefits when GRC is applied over long distances. They make it easier to pour and distribute the mixture to desired and remote locations, minimizing the workload.
Therefore, different equipment is used in each process of GRC applications. These equipments are also designed and offered by Omnis Composite with care and high technology. It is possible to make the right choice of equipment by considering the characteristics of the equipment. Especially for GRC slope testing, this equipment is in great demand. Among these equipment offered by Omnis Composite, the following stand out:
Power Sprays PS 10000i: The PS 10000i is a concrete mortar spraying machine with larger rotor stators than its sibling PS 9000i system. This improved system offers a higher mortar spraying capacity and, despite its performance, requires less maintenance. In addition, the volume of the mortar vault is larger than in standard systems. This increases the speed of production. The PS 10000 ensures that the mortar from the mixer is simultaneously discharged from the machine, making the process more efficient and faster.
Portable Glass Fiber Trimmer: This glass fiber trimming machine allows you to easily cut any type and thickness of fiber. Thanks to its flexible design, users can quickly and efficiently cut fibers to the desired length and get the product they need. The glass fiber trimming machine is portable, lightweight and easy to operate. It is also operated by connecting to an air compressor.
Power Sprays GRC 125: The Power Sprays GRC 125 is a more advanced version of the GRC 125 BT without trolley. This product allows users to make easy adjustments with a responsive LCD control panel. It quickly mixes the concrete mortar at the desired speed and makes it ready for pouring or spraying in just 2-3 minutes. GRC 125 works in harmony with other Power Sprays production systems.
Power Sprays 3 Liquid Material Dosing Systems: This auxiliary equipment product plays an important role in GRC production by ensuring that the polymer, water and concrete plasticizer are sent to the mixer in the desired proportions. Particularly different from the WAAPS 3000 model is the ability to dose 3 different materials. This system prevents errors in mixing ratios in GRC production processes and speeds up the production process.
Power Sprays Light Mist Gun: It is a piece of equipment that is effectively used in mist surface spraying operations and is an indispensable part of GRC applications. Used in conjunction with the PS9000i, PS10000i and PS38i machines, this gun ensures that the first molded surface comes out even and smooth. The equipment minimizes edge cracks and surface pinholes encountered in applications.
GRC Inclination Test: This equipment is specially designed to measure the mechanical strength of GRC materials and control production quality. GRC tilt testing makes quality control more effective by detecting defects that may occur in production processes.
GRC Rolls: GRC roll equipment is designed with a spring-loaded system and works after spraying the GRC mortar. These rollers allow the GRC mortar to be deposited in the mold without any gaps after spraying.
GRC Spare Parts: Spare parts are designed to be used when other equipment breaks down or needs to be replaced. These parts are supplied as a set. Spare parts include Cutting Wedge, Fiber Spray Tip, Spare Spray Gun Parts, Fiber Trimming Knife and Air Motor products.
Pour Test Kit: The yield test kit is an important piece of equipment used to determine the viscosity of GRC mortar. This kit is designed to determine the fluidity of the mortar. During the test, the sample placed in the center of a cylinder is filled with mortar and then the cylinder is lifted up and poured onto the mortar tray. The fluidity of the concrete mix can be measured by the distance the mortar is spread per unit time.
Power Sprays Wheeled Pneumatic Bucket Transporter: This equipment is used for efficient transportation and transfer of GRC mixtures to premix molds or spraying machine. The recommended maximum payload is approximately 125 kg.
What is it Used For?
All equipment such as GRC slope testing, spray and mixing equipment are used for specific purposes. These objectives differ according to the process in practice. This equipment is often of great importance in the construction industry. It is especially used in facade cladding and protective coating processes. Each GRC equipment is designed for a different purpose, protecting surfaces and making them more durable and aesthetic.
Many tools and devices such as GRC slope test, GRC spare parts, yield test kit, GRC rolls stand out at this point. The equipment offered by Omnis Composite is user-friendly and provides speed and efficiency.